Wednesday 13 August 2008

hats n piccies

I drew two little piccies for two little girls who came into the charity shop when I was working on the till and it was quiet, and then I made them three hats out of tesco carrier bags one each for them and one for their doll because it was raining.


Meggi said...

Hi, I don't know how else to contact you, but I love your blog and I wanted to tell you about a random-act-of-kindness project that I'm starting titled, Prjct: Loveletter. I am trying to send out 50 anonymous loveletters (showing anonymous appreciation and thanks) to 50 random recipients by Valentine's Day. If you want to stay updated with the project, you can check out my blog at or e-mail me at

Pandora said...

I am Lucy and I really like your blog. I have my own blog about Random Acts of Kindness. But it's a bit diffrent...
Is there a way to follow your blog?

Anna said...

hey hears my random acts of kindness I do when I can with friends, i've done it lots of times, but only filmed twice. its giving out free cookies!

Kind World 24/7 said...

Hi! i love your blog, i started one for the holidays as well!(December)
However, my group and i started a new blog committed to conducting random acts of kindness everyday- hoping to start a movement. Check it out!

Unknown said...


I was driving to work this morning, and thought of starting a blog about random acts of kindness from small to large! I just googled and came across it... great idea!Glad to see your sharing these moments. Any more posts lately?
