Tuesday 15 April 2008

A Lift

Yesterday I drove an olderly man home from the supermarket. He asked me (as I was leaving with my groceries) if I was going to East Drive. I said no, I was going to the high school to pick up my daughter (other direction). He smiled and said thanks anyway. I took a few steps and then stopped, turned around, and told him it would be no problem to go his direction first. We had a nice talk on the way there. He served in WWII and came to my town in the 40s. And he's voting for Obama! (Yes, we talked about a lot of different things.)

Also, my Girl Scout troop sets up a table to sell cookies at a local retirement center every year. I know that selling cookies isn't a random act of kindness, but we talk a lot about talking with the folks (many of whom get a real kick out of seeing them, and many of whom were Girl Scouts "back in the day") and listening to their stories. And for my RAOK, there were three different occasions when one of the people didn't seem to be able to come up with the right amount of money and I just pretended what they gave me was right and made up the difference later. (I think this also made an impression on the girls, by the way.) No big deal, I'm talking a dollar or two. One woman brought me and one of my girls up to her room to get her money, and searched through all her drawers, finally found her wallet, but couldn't find more than $2. What was I going to do--take away the cookies she was already holding!?


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