Tuesday 1 January 2008

School girl wins $5 and gives to a friend

I used to work in a grocery store in high school, so I guess the idea started there. They used to have contests for the employees where we could win gift certificates to the store. The prizes weren't for very much - $10 for 1st place, $5 for second and third place, etc... but that's not really my point. A friend of mine's father had just died of cancer or had been killed in a car wreck... The details are fuzzy as to what happened to his dad, but I remember that his dad had been the breadwinner, and that there was concern over bills. I dressed up for the Halloween contest with the sole thought that I would win one of those gift certificates and send it to his mom anonymously. I raided the trunk full of dress up clothing my mom had, and spent my shift running the express lane as a vampire, fake teeth, fake blood, etc. I remember being enormously proud when I tucked that little $5 certificate in the mail.


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